How to fix Pluggable PHP error in WordPress?
This error has enough potential to cease all of your ongoing activities. The pluggable PHP file is a file that holds some functions that various users and developers can override in code created by themselves. Sometimes WordPress plugins and code snippets fail to mess with these functions and then an error occurs. WordPress Support is here to help you.
Remember that his pluggable.php file is a part of core WordPress files, therefore, it is recommended to not to tamper with it even if there is an error. Therefore, we will first try to find out the exact source of the error. Because maybe the pluggable.php file is not causing the error.
· To identify the source of the error first check the path which is attached with the error
· For example, let’s say the path is /home/username/demosite/wp-content/themes/mytheme/functions.php:1035. In this case, the error is occurring at the 1035 line of code and the path clearly says you need to modify a functions.php file of your theme. Therefore. Either you need to change the code of functions.php file or delete it
·Many times it is observed that extra space can create trouble. If it is the case then we need to remove the space to
fix it
· Here is the example of another error message /home/username/demosite/wp-content/plugins/some-plugin-name/some-plugin.php:144. Take a look at the error message it clearly tells that the Plugin at line number144 is causing the error. So, what you can do here is that you can deactivate the Plugin and inform the author of the Plugin about
the same
· Most of the times the Pluggable.php file is not responsible for this error and custom code snippets, functions.php files, WordPress themes etc. are the real reason behind these errors. In that case, you can remove or correct those corrupted components
If you are still struggling to get this error then please Contact WordPress Support at +61 1 800 845 219. WordPress Technical Support works with experienced technicians who have worked with WordPress for more than 10 years.
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