How to fix common image issues in WordPress?
Uploading images deals with aligning, resizing and cropping images. For a beginner these things may seem confusing and difficult. Though this can’t be categorized as an issue One need to learn how to handle with images in WordPress. WordPress Support Australia has developed this blog to teach you about the same. WordPress has got some inbuilt tools that are responsible for managing and editing images. But beginners are not aware of these tools always. Therefore, go through the blog carefully to understand it fully.
How to upload images in WordPress?
Media uploader helps to upload image in WordPress environment. Just click on ‘add media’ button to add insert in content. ‘Add media’ button is there in post edit/page edit screen. Upload images to Media and let it be there until you need to use them in a page or post. Just follow the path Media >Add New page to upload images. Go to the select file button and click on it to upload image.
Aligning images to left side or right side
Image alignment happens while inserting an image to a post. Or else you can use button to impose proper alignment.
Adding caption below images?
After you are done with uploading an image successfully with the help of Media uploader WordPress will automatically ask you for caption, title, description etc. Enter correct caption.
How to arrange photos in a row, column format?
Instead of adding photos one after another to make the list a long one you can try to make a photo gallery. To do that select all the images from ‘Media Gallery’ then click on the option called ‘create gallery’.
What to do when it seems that your image is appearing as twice?
Most of the times people make mistake by inserting a features image inside a post. But then you are not supposed to insert the featured image to post editor. If you do so you will see twice image. To eliminate the error, you must need to delete the image from post editor. That will solve our problem.
So, these are the very common image issues that can be solved easily. For more problems please feel free to dial our WordPress Support Number at 1800-845-219. Also, you can chat with us anytime of a day. Since we are open for 24x7. You can also visit our website at
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