How to solve ‘another update in process’ error in WordPress environment?
If an
update process (other than the WordPress website update) gets initiated while
the usual WordPress website update process is going on, WordPress implies an
automatic update lock on its database and you will get this error message. And
this lock freezes your other update related activities. If you wait for a while
this error message will automatically get disappeared. But if you don’t wish to
wait then you can fix it manually. WordPress Help in this blog provides you few steps using which you can
solve this error. Those steps are given below –
1) First
install and activate the Plugin named Fix another in error Progress
2) Now go
to the path Settings>Fix another error in Progress
3) In
case if update job is licked on your website then you will be provided a
message with a button named Fix WordPress Update lock
4) Click
on that button to continue with your activity
5) A
click on this button will remove the update lock option from WordPress database
and you will receive a success button in response
6) This
was done using a Plugin now we will see how we can fix it manually. For that
you need to take help of phpMyAdmin
7) Go to
the cPanel dashboard of your WordPress web hosting account
8) Now
you will find phpMyAdmin in database section
9) Choose
phpMyAdmin WordPress database
10) You
will get to see all the tables in inside WordPress database
11) Now
in the right-hand side of table there will be browse button click on it
12) You
will be directed to the rows inside table
13) In
that row you have to find core_update.lock
14) In
the left-hand side of that option there will be delete button click on that
button to delete it
15) Now
you can go back to your WordPress website and continue with regular update
process of your WordPress website
is how your problem will get solved. For any difficulties or more assistance or
similar type or errors Contact WordPress 1800-845-219, telephone number of WordPress Customer Service, and take help of our experienced technicians. Since WordPress Support Hub is a 24 x 7
based service you can dial our number on any time of a day. Charges will be
same however. WordPress Technical Support provides best and reliable service at cheapest rates. We don’t
have any holidays. For more details visit our website
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